Abstract submission deadline: 24 January 2025


Interactive Session proposal deadline: 15 November 2024


Abstract submission deadline: 24 January 2025 | Interactive Session proposal deadline: 15 November 2024 |

Session Types

FEMS MICRO 2025 will deliver the most innovative range of sessions types ever seen at our Congress & Exhibition. Featuring all the cutting-edge science from our abstract and session proposal submitters, we are also preparing an interdisciplinary programme of community focused sessions ranging from meet-ups and fireside chats in the Community Corner to fully fledged debates on important topics.

Browse through the session types below and discover what is on offer in Milan.

  • Each day features hundreds of poster displays, placed at the heart of FEMS MICRO 2025. Posters will be displayed in hard copy format, with presenters standing by to answer questions and discuss their work. Each poster will be on display for the whole of the allocated day. There are two sessions outlined in the programme encouraging people to gather by them for interaction and feedback - one during the middle of the day, and one in the early evening.

    The evening session is conducted over refreshments during the Poster Networking Receptions, allowing attendees to wander through the posters and interact with presenters in a relaxed and informal way.

    Submit a short abstract for a Poster Display by 24 January >

  • Taking place among the excitement of the Exhibition, Flash Talks are a great way to get your research seen by the community. A Flash Talk is a brief, 5-minute overview of your research presented during the main break between morning and afternoon sessions.

    This format is designed to whet people’s appetite for your research, sparking interest and encouraging further discussion. It’s ideal for highlighting key findings and inviting attendees to learn more. 

    Submit a short abstract for a Flash Talk by 24 January >

  • Forming the backbone of our scientific programme, a Session Talk offers the opportunity to dive deeper into your research with a live, 10-minute presentation followed by a Q&A session. Presentations are grouped by similar topics within a 60-minute session, facilitating focused discussions on related research areas. This format is ideal for in-depth scholarly exchange and audience interaction. 

    Submit an extended abstract for a Session Talk by 24 January >

  • An Interactive Session is designed to engage participants actively and in an interdisciplinary. These 60 to 90-minute sessions are ideal for exploring complex topics in a more dynamic and participatory format, whether through panels, interviews, idea pitches, or workshops. 

    This submission type encourages approaches to knowledge sharing on cutting-edge topics on microbiology. It’s an excellent choice for those who want to foster interactive learning and create a memorable experience for attendees.

    Submit an Interactive Session proposal by 15 November >

  • As the town square of the Congress & Exhibition, the Community Corner is the place to meet fellow attendees and bring together unique and diverse perspectives.

    Stay tuned for more information on fireside chats, meet-ups with the FEMS journals, and talks on initiatives and views from across our community.

  • Bringing a new approach to the FEMS MICRO Congress & Exhibition, we are preparing an exciting programme of debates on scientific topics, important and sensitive subjects, and differing points of view.

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