To ensure a smooth and informative experience for all attendees, we have created a comprehensive FAQ page. We encourage you to explore the FAQ page to find the answers to your questions and make the most of your FEMS MICRO Congress experience. If you have any further inquiries, please don't hesitate to contact our support team.

  • Are you interested in submitting an abstract for a Poster Display, Flash Talk, or a Session Talk, but don't know where to start? Or, have you submitted an abstract before but didn't get accepted and want to know how to improve for this year?  

    Before you submit your abstract, keep in mind the four Cs of abstract writing: 

    Completeness: The abstract covers the main part of your research/work 

    Conciseness: The abstract contains no excess words or unnecessary information. 

    Clarity: The abstract is easily read, well organised and without too much jargon 

    Cohesiveness: Different parts of the abstract should be properly linked — ensure that there is a logical and coherent flow

  • Science and innovation are the core of what we do – we want voices and viewpoints that are fresh and diverse. The FEMS MICRO programme covers the microbiology industry's most relevant and timely topics - providing the know-how you need to advance your knowledge. In each session, top thought leaders offer insights on issues essential to the industry and provide a wealth of information of strategic relevance to attendees.  

    Please remember that your submission is one of hundreds that will be read and reviewed by the FEMS Progamme Committee. With such a large number of proposed sessions, those with incomplete, unclear, or inaccurate details are unlikely to be accepted.  

    Key details to include:   


    • A clear definition of the ideal audience you are targeting  

    • Diversity of panellists. Examples include:  Race/ethnicity, Gender identity, Company focus, Company financing, Company geographic location, Company size  


    • New, innovative topics  

    • Emerging industry issues  

    • Industry updates  

    • Educational value not available elsewhere  

    • Introducing news about a terrain  

    • Deep dive into implementation details 

    • Thought-provoking key take-aways for attendees  


    • Enough resources to organise the session and successfully execute it  

    • Moderators who can lead discussion and facilitate interaction among panellists 

    • Specific plan for interactive engagement: 

    • Audience polling  

    • Group exercises 

    • Q&A 

    • Congress attendees: microbiologists, industry professionals, students, educators, policy-makers and researchers 

    • Reviewers will assess the quality of your abstract and recommend its acceptance or rejection into the FEMS Congress programme. 

    • FEMS Journal editors use abstracts to look for papers to encourage for publication. 

  • Yes, all accepted abstracts will be published in the FEMS MICRO 2025 Abstract Book.

    View Abstract Book from 2023.

  • To share your attendance at FEMS MICRO 2025, simply download the official promotional images, add your personalized content, share it on your social media platforms using the official event hashtag #FEMS2025. Sharing your attendance will amplify the visibility of the Congress & Exhibition, foster connections with fellow participants, and create unforgettable memories.

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