Abstract submissions open: 7 October 2024


Abstract submissions open: 7 October 2024 |

Step into
Milan 2025 

Europe’s premier
Congress & Exhibition for
microbial research
and collaboration

Experience the ultimate fusion of innovation, expertise, and community at FEMS MICRO 2025, where the cutting edge of microbiology fuels collaboration.

Immerse yourself in a vibrant environment where you can present your research, expand your professional network, forge impactful collaborations, and engage in insightful discussions with fellow microbiologists and key industry figures.

This year’s theme, Magnifying microbial impact, promises to move beyond traditional research showcases by integrating pioneering research with practical solutions to address pressing global challenges. With a focus on Eco Innovation, Health Horizons, Biotechnology, and Engagement & Growth, the Congress & Exhibition offers a comprehensive platform for meaningful learning and development designed to propel your professional growth.

Join us in Milan, Italy, where our committed community will come together to develop impactful microbial solutions to humanity's greatest challenges.

Reasons to attend #FEMS2025


    Engage with leading scientists and key figures from across Europe and the world, building valuable relationships and expanding your professional network.


    Make use of speaking opportunities, interactive sessions, and our innovative Exhibition, gaining hands-on experience and insights into the latest advancements in microbiology.


    Present your research to a global audience, interact with expert journal editors, and elevate your standing within the scientific community.


    Enhance your experience with social events that immerse you in the vibrant culture and beauty of Milan.


    Form impactful research partnerships and collaborations with peers from around the globe, advancing your work through shared expertise.

Meet our Keynote Speakers

Carmen Buchrieser, the FEMS Lwoff Awardee 2025, is a renowned specialist in infection biology, revolutionising how we understand bacterial diseases. Based at the Institut Pasteur in Paris, her pioneering research on pathogens like Legionella is reshaping our approach to bacterial virulence and the evolution of infectious diseases. 

Carmen Buchrieser

Chris Greening is a leading biochemist dedicated to harnessing the power of microbes to tackle climate change. As a Professor at Monash University, he leads the CLIMB: Climate Microbiology Laboratory. Named Life Scientist of the Year in 2023, his work drives innovative solutions for greenhouse gas cycling, ecosystem resilience, and infectious disease transmission. 

Chris Greening

Janet Jansson, a pioneering microbial ecologist with over 30 years of experience, is one of the world’s most highly cited researchers. As Emeritus Chief Scientist and Laboratory Fellow at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, she has made groundbreaking advancements in molecular microbial ecology and deepened our understanding of climate change’s impact on microbial communities. 

Janet Jansson

FEMS2023 highlights

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